The Droplet

Hannah Glueck

My story is about a man who, symbolically, turns the world around him and his small problems into minor inconveniences around his home that are preventing him from sleeping. Eventually, they consume him in an anger-driven obsession, and he loses himself in his own rage and fixation.

Anger issues are a genuine form of mental illness that can be commonly overlooked and dismissed by many. My story and final product explore the idea of obsession mixed with anger issues, representative of what it can be like to turn minor inconveniences into life-ending problems that one may constantly seek to solve. Keeping focus and drawing inspiration from my initial abstraction and the stories we read in the beginning of this workshop, I created the visual element of a somewhat personified sink, in a constant loop of turning itself on and off in order to nag the viewer.

My final product utilizes technology like servos and LED strips that are powered and coded through Arduino in order to add another element to tell my story without words. The process is looped and virtually infinite, cycling through an irritatingly repetitive set of actions. This was done to invoke the feeling of annoyance and panic so that the viewer can feel a fraction of what the main character of my story felt.