Some feedback Amar gave me was to think about my project in a more deconstructed sense. I will do this by going over my story and finding the big message(s) it sends and working off of those. Some other feedback he gave me was to think more about "the more you use it the more the color changes", like the led becomes brighter and warmer the more you use it. Use more bleak/sad/ugly colors at first and then turn them into something beautiful. He also said to be very radical with the project and to try to see how the use of the pencil means and how it relates to the abstraction.
What are the RGB values of these colors
red (150, 0, 0)
pink (150,50,100)
yellow (255, 255, 0)
orange (265, 155, 0)
green (0, 150, 0)
light blue (67, 84, 90)
dark blue (0, 0, 150)
black (128, 128, 128,)
Right now I have finished my prototype and I need to focus on my presentation
My story follows a box of colored pencils and the main character is a pencil who feels like he is an ugly color and feels left out because the person drawing doesn't use him. The abstraction I related this to was helplessness because he can't do anything to be used. I thought of two different ideas for my prototype the first one was a colored pencil that the more you draw the color changes and the second idea was a colored pencil that changes color by heat. I made a prototype of the first idea and you can see it in the last picture.