Email from Jason Alves

Paula Garza Gonzalez and Owen Eddy
For a few years I have been trying to envision a way to activate Inman Square on a somewhat regular basis by introducing a Mini Golf Night in the East Cambridge Saving Bank Parking Lot at 1310 Cambridge Street.

I envision a 9 hole course that can be easily stored and set up on site.
I would also like them to be easy to bring to other locations if this becomes a popular activity. ( we would obviously need to move them by truck, but the easier they are eto move in general will be helpful)

We dont have a lot of storage space for these so figuring out how and where to store them is an issue because the physical space they will take up is a general question.

To take the idea further, I envision adding traditional style obstacles to the course over time. I think it would be fun to have mini golf obstacle that reflect things around the community. This presents its own set of storage questions and needs.

The platforms and fun shapes of individual holes is the first step.
I think they need to be durable in case someone where to stand on them and also accessibility is something we should keep in mind. Should be weather resistant to some extent also.

I had originally envisioned platforms, so the hold will drop in, but in one of the examples below it looks like the cup is raised. I dont necessarily love the idea of every cup being over a hump, but perhaps there is something to think about there.

The course should also be easy to set up in 45 minutes or less by 1 or 2 people.

So I think the first goal is to envision a design for the course and how we may store it in the most efficient way.

I love that this project is being considered and I'm happy to talk about it more.

Precedents he sent:

This is the gold standard of what i envision

This one seems in line with the vision also

This is one that sits on the ground. Not what i had originally envisioned, but perhaps it can be incorporated